If you’re looking for some terrific articles on book marketing, here’s our top 5 list for this week! This week, we’re focused on “discoverability” — the ability of your book to be found by your readers. Obviously, you can’t sell your books if you can’t be found, so check out these resources and work on …
Tag: publishing
Sep 27
Editing Focus 3: Line Editing
Sorry this is late in appearing, everyone…that’s what this annoying little thing called…”LIFE”… will do to a person. O.o So, I’ve been working on beta reading S.K.’s awesome new book, The Lords of Askalon (can’t WAIT for all of you to be able to read it!). Beta reading for me is mostly line-editing. However, since …
Sep 13
Preparing to Publish: Editing
As S.K. said in her last blog post, we’re celebrating the month of September with an in-depth look at the publication process. Now, I’m going to assume that you have a finished manuscript. Your story is complete. Your characters are well-rounded and you’ve inflicted on them all necessary challenges and sufferings for growth and all …
Sep 10
September Blog Fest: Preparing to Publish
J. Leigh got us started with a bang yesterday with her fantastically funny (but sadly all-too-accurate) post on creating a YA cover for your novel. If you haven’t read it yet, do. Hopefully it will make you smile! All this month, J. Leigh and I will be writing about the process of getting your manuscript …
May 08
The decision to self-publish
Well, today is the official release date of my book, Down a Lost Road. As of this moment, it is undergoing the publishing process at Kindle, and is in queue at Smashwords…and the proof copy of my paperback is on its way to me. So, all that being the case, I decided this was the …